ITE Group (ITE) Share Price

Media Sector

NOTE: This is based on 51 open tips for ITE Group (ITE)

ITE Group (ITE)
Latest Quote Price


ITE Group (ITE)
Price Change (%)


Latest Bid : 82.40p Latest Ask : 82.70p
High Today : 83.30p Low Today : 82.10p
This Years High : 83.80p This Years Low : 56.30p
Volume : 617,033 MKT Cap : £611.33M
Trading Velocity : Premium Only Activity Score : Premium Only
Consensus Score : Premium Only Momentum Score : Premium Only

ITE Group (ITE) Overview

ITE Group is a Russia-focused company that organises trade exhibitions and conferences. Established in 1991, the group's operations now span 15 countries and it employs over 650 staff. ITE says business is thriving thanks to booming oil and gas markets and a strong construction sector.

ITE Group (ITE) Latest Tips

Type Tipster SectorScore Start date Performance
Add Peel Hunt Premium Only 2019-09-23 13:50:00 23/09/2019 -1.55%
Add Peel Hunt Premium Only 2019-09-04 09:45:00 04/09/2019 11.49%
Buy Citi Premium Only 2019-09-03 12:10:00 03/09/2019 14.50%
Add Peel Hunt Premium Only 2019-07-03 11:05:00 03/07/2019 9.87%
Add Peel Hunt Premium Only 2019-07-01 13:05:00 01/07/2019 7.00%

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ITE Group (ITE) Active Short Positions

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Latest Bid : 82.40p Latest Ask : 82.70p
High Today : 83.30p Low Today : 82.10p
This Years High : 83.80p This Years Low : 56.30p
Volume : 617,033 MKT Cap : £611.33M

ITE Group Overview

ITE Group is a Russia-focused company that organises trade exhibitions and conferences. Established in 1991, the group's operations now span 15 countries and it employs over 650 staff. ITE says business is thriving thanks to booming oil and gas markets and a strong construction sector.

NOTE: This description is in part generated by ChatGPT and not an endorsement by or the opinion of Stockomendation Ltd.

Latest ITE Group Tips

Type Tipster SectorScore Start date Performance
Add Peel Hunt Premium Only 2019-09-23 13:50:00 23/09/2019 -1.55%
Add Peel Hunt Premium Only 2019-09-04 09:45:00 04/09/2019 11.49%
Buy Citi Premium Only 2019-09-03 12:10:00 03/09/2019 14.50%
Add Peel Hunt Premium Only 2019-07-03 11:05:00 03/07/2019 9.87%
Add Peel Hunt Premium Only 2019-07-01 13:05:00 01/07/2019 7.00%