JPMorgan Asia Growth & Income (JAGI) Share Price

Financial Services Sector

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JPMorgan Asia Growth & Income (JAGI)
Latest Quote Price


JPMorgan Asia Growth & Income (JAGI)
Price Change (%)


Latest Bid : 372.00p Latest Ask : 374.00p
High Today : 373.00p Low Today : 364.00p
This Years High : 380.00p This Years Low : 313.00p
Volume : 172,231 MKT Cap : £293.88M
Trading Velocity : Premium Only Activity Score : Premium Only
Consensus Score : Premium Only Momentum Score : Premium Only

JPMorgan Asia Growth & Income (JAGI) Overview

Aims to provide capital growth from a diversified portfolio of around 50 to 80 companies quoted on the Asian stock markets, excluding Japan. The Company pays quarterly dividends equivalent to 1% of its net asset value, set on the last business day of each financial quarter. The Company also has the ability to use gearing up to a maximum level of 20% of net assets to increase potential returns to shareholders.

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JPMorgan Asia Growth & Income (JAGI) Active Short Positions

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Latest Bid : 372.00p Latest Ask : 374.00p
High Today : 373.00p Low Today : 364.00p
This Years High : 380.00p This Years Low : 313.00p
Volume : 172,231 MKT Cap : £293.88M

JPMorgan Asia Growth & Income Overview

Aims to provide capital growth from a diversified portfolio of around 50 to 80 companies quoted on the Asian stock markets, excluding Japan. The Company pays quarterly dividends equivalent to 1% of its net asset value, set on the last business day of each financial quarter. The Company also has the ability to use gearing up to a maximum level of 20% of net assets to increase potential returns to shareholders.

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