Central Asia Metals (CAML) Share Price

Basic Resources Sector

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There are 156 share tips for Central Asia Metals

Below are all the share tips on Stockomendation for Central Asia Metals. Choose one to view its' details or to add it to your Watch List.

Company Type Tipster SectorScore Start date Start price Current price Performance Actions
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Berenberg Premium Only 2024-07-12 06:02:00 12/07/2024 204.00p 173.20p -15.10% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Hold Canaccord Genuity Premium Only 2024-07-11 16:31:00 11/07/2024 210.00p 173.20p -17.52% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Berenberg Premium Only 2024-06-27 05:59:00 27/06/2024 198.00p 173.20p -12.53% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Sumayya Mansoor Premium Only 2024-06-20 18:25:00 20/06/2024 208.00p 173.20p -16.73% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Royston Wild Premium Only 2024-05-01 07:45:00 01/05/2024 210.50p 173.20p -17.72% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Hold Canaccord Genuity Premium Only 2024-04-26 11:01:00 26/04/2024 203.50p 215.00p 5.65% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Berenberg Premium Only 2024-04-09 18:00:00 09/04/2024 206.50p 220.50p 6.78% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Sumayya Mansoor Premium Only 2024-04-03 16:05:00 03/04/2024 205.00p 173.20p -15.51% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Berenberg Premium Only 2024-03-08 18:00:00 08/03/2024 153.60p 220.50p 43.55% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Outperform RBC Capital Premium Only 2024-01-17 05:50:00 17/01/2024 173.60p 215.00p 23.85% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Berenberg Premium Only 2024-01-09 05:51:00 09/01/2024 180.00p 220.50p 22.50% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Paul Summers Premium Only 2023-12-08 10:40:00 08/12/2023 168.20p 173.20p 2.97% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Add Royston Wild Premium Only 2023-10-26 04:45:00 26/10/2023 159.40p 173.20p 8.66% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Gary Newman Premium Only 2023-10-17 08:10:00 17/10/2023 161.80p 173.20p 7.05% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Berenberg Premium Only 2023-10-11 05:41:00 11/10/2023 180.00p 173.20p -3.78% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Sumayya Mansoor Premium Only 2023-10-03 19:30:00 03/10/2023 175.60p 173.20p -1.37% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Royston Wild Premium Only 2023-09-18 19:40:00 18/09/2023 209.00p 173.20p -17.13% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Berenberg Premium Only 2023-09-13 18:00:00 13/09/2023 204.00p 173.20p -15.10% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Hold Canaccord Genuity Premium Only 2023-09-13 10:31:00 13/09/2023 206.50p 188.00p -8.96% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Long Term Buy Paul Summers Premium Only 2023-09-05 09:25:00 05/09/2023 202.50p 173.20p -14.47% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Royston Wild Premium Only 2023-09-04 18:35:00 04/09/2023 206.00p 173.20p -15.92% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Lucy Tobin Premium Only 2023-08-06 00:05:00 06/08/2023 186.40p 173.20p -7.08% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Canaccord Genuity Premium Only 2023-07-11 17:31:00 11/07/2023 176.00p 173.20p -1.59% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Berenberg Premium Only 2023-07-07 06:05:00 07/07/2023 170.00p 173.20p 1.88% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Outperform RBC Capital Premium Only 2023-06-12 14:58:00 12/06/2023 201.00p 173.20p -13.83% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Outperform RBC Capital Premium Only 2023-06-06 05:49:00 06/06/2023 203.00p 173.20p -14.68% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Canaccord Genuity Premium Only 2023-03-30 18:00:00 30/03/2023 238.00p 173.20p -27.23% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Berenberg Premium Only 2023-03-30 05:37:00 30/03/2023 233.00p 173.20p -25.67% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Sector Perform RBC Capital Premium Only 2023-03-23 16:48:00 23/03/2023 255.00p 251.00p -1.57% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Paul Summers Premium Only 2023-03-04 07:15:00 04/03/2023 262.00p 173.20p -33.89% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Berenberg Premium Only 2023-01-12 06:25:00 12/01/2023 263.50p 173.20p -34.27% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Sector Perform RBC Capital Premium Only 2022-12-01 07:32:00 01/12/2022 255.00p 248.50p -2.55% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Berenberg Premium Only 2022-10-06 06:04:00 06/10/2022 227.00p 280.50p 23.57% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Long Term Buy Royston Wild Premium Only 2022-09-20 11:50:00 20/09/2022 224.50p 173.20p -18.40% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Long Term Buy Joanne Hart Premium Only 2022-09-17 21:50:00 17/09/2022 235.00p 173.20p -22.04% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Berenberg Premium Only 2022-09-15 06:23:00 15/09/2022 237.00p 173.20p -22.70% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Paul Summers Premium Only 2022-09-03 09:05:00 03/09/2022 218.50p 173.20p -16.16% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Royston Wild Premium Only 2022-07-22 10:40:00 22/07/2022 232.00p 173.20p -21.03% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Berenberg Premium Only 2022-07-07 06:08:00 07/07/2022 208.50p 173.20p -12.13% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Paul Summers Premium Only 2022-06-28 07:35:00 28/06/2022 230.50p 173.20p -20.52% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Berenberg Premium Only 2022-06-14 12:30:00 14/06/2022 249.00p 173.20p -26.43% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Paul Summers Premium Only 2022-05-30 07:35:00 30/05/2022 252.00p 173.20p -27.30% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Berenberg Premium Only 2022-05-09 18:00:00 09/05/2022 232.50p 173.20p -21.20% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Sector Perform RBC Capital Premium Only 2022-05-04 10:50:00 04/05/2022 272.50p 268.50p -1.47% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Canaccord Genuity Premium Only 2022-04-26 09:31:00 26/04/2022 272.50p 173.20p -28.37% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Berenberg Premium Only 2022-04-06 06:06:00 06/04/2022 244.00p 173.20p -20.00% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Berenberg Premium Only 2022-03-30 06:06:00 30/03/2022 242.00p 173.20p -19.34% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Long Term Buy Gary Newman Premium Only 2022-03-29 13:35:00 29/03/2022 235.50p 173.20p -17.11% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Royston Wild Premium Only 2022-03-21 08:55:00 21/03/2022 229.00p 173.20p -14.76% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Sector Perform RBC Capital Premium Only 2022-03-15 18:00:00 15/03/2022 206.00p 266.00p 29.13% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Berenberg Premium Only 2022-03-14 18:00:00 14/03/2022 202.50p 173.20p -3.60% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Long Term Buy Andrew Woods Premium Only 2022-02-24 15:50:00 24/02/2022 215.50p 173.20p -9.42% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Royston Wild Premium Only 2022-02-19 07:45:00 19/02/2022 234.50p 173.20p -16.76% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Sector Perform RBC Capital Premium Only 2022-02-14 18:00:00 14/02/2022 231.50p 266.00p 14.90% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Berenberg Premium Only 2022-02-04 18:00:00 04/02/2022 229.50p 173.20p -14.95% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Royston Wild Premium Only 2022-01-18 07:35:00 18/01/2022 233.50p 173.20p -16.40% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Sector Perform RBC Capital Premium Only 2022-01-17 05:00:00 17/01/2022 225.50p 266.00p 17.96% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Sell Tom Winnifrith Premium Only 2022-01-12 07:30:00 12/01/2022 223.00p 173.20p 22.33% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Canaccord Genuity Premium Only 2022-01-11 18:00:00 11/01/2022 228.00p 294.50p 38.82% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Berenberg Premium Only 2022-01-06 18:00:00 06/01/2022 238.00p 173.20p -17.98% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Royston Wild Premium Only 2021-12-30 12:10:00 30/12/2021 251.50p 173.20p -22.39% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Royston Wild Premium Only 2021-11-20 07:40:00 20/11/2021 228.50p 173.20p -14.57% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Canaccord Genuity Premium Only 2021-11-18 10:41:00 18/11/2021 235.50p 294.50p 34.39% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Paul Summers Premium Only 2021-10-23 08:00:00 23/10/2021 243.50p 173.20p -19.84% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Hot Stock Rockets Premium Only 2021-10-12 14:10:00 12/10/2021 237.00p 173.20p -17.64% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Hot Stock Rockets Premium Only 2021-10-09 09:50:00 09/10/2021 240.00p 173.20p -18.67% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Tom Winnifrith Premium Only 2021-10-08 07:35:00 08/10/2021 232.50p 228.00p -1.94% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Berenberg Premium Only 2021-10-07 06:00:00 07/10/2021 222.00p 173.20p -12.07% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Sector Perform RBC Capital Premium Only 2021-09-29 05:30:00 29/09/2021 237.00p 240.00p 4.64% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Hot Stock Rockets Premium Only 2021-09-27 16:05:00 27/09/2021 242.00p 173.20p -16.03% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Tom Winnifrith Premium Only 2021-09-17 08:25:00 17/09/2021 233.50p 228.00p 1.07% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Canaccord Genuity Premium Only 2021-09-15 13:16:00 15/09/2021 245.00p 280.50p 17.76% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Berenberg Premium Only 2021-09-15 13:01:00 15/09/2021 246.00p 173.20p -17.40% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Gary Newman Premium Only 2021-09-10 11:05:00 10/09/2021 232.00p 173.20p -12.41% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Sector Perform RBC Capital Premium Only 2021-08-17 08:35:00 17/08/2021 243.50p 285.00p 29.36% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Canaccord Genuity Premium Only 2021-07-20 09:40:00 20/07/2021 224.50p 280.50p 28.51% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Berenberg Premium Only 2021-07-07 18:00:00 07/07/2021 241.00p 202.50p -3.53% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Hot Stock Rockets Premium Only 2021-06-01 13:00:00 01/06/2021 277.50p 223.00p -8.83% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Hot Stock Rockets Premium Only 2021-05-24 13:55:00 24/05/2021 278.00p 221.00p -9.71% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Tom Winnifrith Premium Only 2021-05-14 14:00:00 14/05/2021 275.00p 228.00p -14.18% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Berenberg Premium Only 2021-04-14 11:55:00 14/04/2021 259.50p 291.00p 15.22% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Sector Perform RBC Capital Premium Only 2021-04-13 09:45:00 13/04/2021 276.00p 217.50p -7.43% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Hold Chris Bailey Premium Only 2021-04-07 15:25:00 07/04/2021 272.50p 203.00p -11.56% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Berenberg Premium Only 2021-04-07 07:35:00 07/04/2021 272.50p 203.00p -11.56% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Hold Tom Winnifrith Premium Only 2021-04-05 11:25:00 05/04/2021 241.50p 203.00p -0.21% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Berenberg Premium Only 2021-04-01 08:15:00 01/04/2021 250.00p 282.50p 13.00% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Sector Perform RBC Capital Premium Only 2021-03-22 10:20:00 22/03/2021 245.00p 191.20p -6.45% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Berenberg Premium Only 2021-02-18 07:30:00 18/02/2021 255.50p 282.50p 10.57% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Berenberg Premium Only 2020-12-10 08:30:00 10/12/2020 219.00p 251.00p 14.61% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Outperform RBC Capital Premium Only 2020-11-30 10:50:00 30/11/2020 202.00p 270.00p 33.66% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Berenberg Premium Only 2020-11-12 09:10:00 12/11/2020 173.80p 237.00p 39.82% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Sector Perform RBC Capital Premium Only 2020-10-12 10:10:00 12/10/2020 173.78p 173.60p -0.10% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Berenberg Premium Only 2020-10-09 08:25:00 09/10/2020 170.00p 225.00p 35.88% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Berenberg Premium Only 2020-10-06 09:10:00 06/10/2020 170.20p 214.50p 29.55% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Berenberg Premium Only 2020-09-17 15:15:00 17/09/2020 165.80p 222.50p 37.82% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Berenberg Premium Only 2020-09-11 10:20:00 11/09/2020 179.60p 225.00p 28.62% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Sector Perform RBC Capital Premium Only 2020-06-18 13:25:00 18/06/2020 145.00p 180.00p 24.14% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Peel Hunt Premium Only 2020-04-06 11:40:00 06/04/2020 132.60p 230.50p 78.36% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Peel Hunt Premium Only 2020-03-23 11:50:00 23/03/2020 132.20p 240.50p 86.46% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Paul Summers Premium Only 2020-02-01 09:10:00 01/02/2020 202.50p 292.50p 61.48% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Peel Hunt Premium Only 2020-01-17 09:20:00 17/01/2020 220.50p 291.00p 38.32% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Peel Hunt Premium Only 2020-01-09 11:45:00 09/01/2020 217.00p 285.00p 34.10% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Peel Hunt Premium Only 2020-01-07 10:45:00 07/01/2020 216.00p 285.00p 34.72% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Peel Hunt Premium Only 2020-01-03 08:50:00 03/01/2020 223.00p 285.00p 30.49% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Conviction Buy Gary Newman Premium Only 2019-10-20 14:35:00 20/10/2019 206.00p 214.50p 20.87% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Peel Hunt Premium Only 2019-10-10 09:35:00 10/10/2019 200.50p 217.00p 25.44% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy VSA Capital Premium Only 2019-10-08 15:15:00 08/10/2019 203.00p 292.00p 50.74% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Peel Hunt Premium Only 2019-10-08 12:15:00 08/10/2019 203.00p 219.50p 25.12% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Outperform RBC Capital Premium Only 2019-10-07 08:30:00 07/10/2019 196.60p 219.50p 29.20% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Peel Hunt Premium Only 2019-09-27 09:15:00 27/09/2019 197.40p 224.00p 30.95% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Kevin Godbold Premium Only 2019-09-17 12:30:00 17/09/2019 192.40p 227.50p 36.17% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Peel Hunt Premium Only 2019-09-16 10:20:00 16/09/2019 189.40p 227.50p 38.33% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Outperform RBC Capital Premium Only 2019-08-19 12:30:00 19/08/2019 183.05p 291.00p 70.17% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Peel Hunt Premium Only 2019-07-10 10:20:00 10/07/2019 191.01p 221.50p 34.02% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Peel Hunt Premium Only 2019-04-17 08:50:00 17/04/2019 251.04p 277.00p 24.08% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Outperform RBC Capital Premium Only 2019-04-12 16:00:00 12/04/2019 233.80p 270.00p 30.24% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Gary Newman Premium Only 2019-04-12 12:50:00 12/04/2019 233.80p 270.00p 30.24% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Gary Newman Premium Only 2019-04-11 08:45:00 11/04/2019 238.16p 272.00p 28.69% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Paul Summers Premium Only 2019-04-10 15:20:00 10/04/2019 246.66p 271.00p 23.85% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Peel Hunt Premium Only 2019-04-10 09:10:00 10/04/2019 256.77p 271.00p 18.98% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Peel Hunt Premium Only 2019-03-20 09:40:00 20/03/2019 248.02p 220.50p 2.81% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Peel Hunt Premium Only 2019-01-18 09:10:00 18/01/2019 230.54p 229.50p 14.51% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Peel Hunt Premium Only 2019-01-11 09:10:00 11/01/2019 236.97p 228.00p 10.77% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy VSA Capital Premium Only 2019-01-09 14:25:00 09/01/2019 229.54p 226.50p 13.71% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Peel Hunt Premium Only 2019-01-09 11:05:00 09/01/2019 229.54p 226.50p 13.71% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy VSA Capital Premium Only 2019-01-04 11:30:00 04/01/2019 226.19p 255.00p 27.99% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Peel Hunt Premium Only 2019-01-03 09:20:00 03/01/2019 208.05p 256.00p 39.63% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Peel Hunt Premium Only 2018-10-04 08:30:00 04/10/2018 249.00p 223.00p 6.02% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Paul Summers Premium Only 2018-10-01 08:45:00 01/10/2018 248.96p 222.50p 5.84% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Peel Hunt Premium Only 2018-09-26 08:40:00 26/09/2018 243.03p 197.40p -18.78% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Peel Hunt Premium Only 2018-09-19 09:15:00 19/09/2018 228.66p 230.50p 16.11% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Gary Newman Premium Only 2018-08-26 11:55:00 26/08/2018 221.50p 233.50p 21.22% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Peel Hunt Premium Only 2018-08-01 10:55:00 01/08/2018 244.08p 245.00p 14.72% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Peel Hunt Premium Only 2018-07-13 09:00:00 13/07/2018 245.50p 242.50p 13.03% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Peel Hunt Premium Only 2018-07-10 10:35:00 10/07/2018 253.00p 243.50p 10.08% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Peel Hunt Premium Only 2018-07-03 09:20:00 03/07/2018 240.02p 245.50p 16.87% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Canaccord Genuity Premium Only 2018-06-14 15:30:00 14/06/2018 271.06p 269.50p 12.34% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Gary Newman Premium Only 2018-06-12 12:15:00 12/06/2018 296.77p 265.00p 1.09% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Gary Newman Premium Only 2018-06-09 08:30:00 09/06/2018 284.50p 264.00p 5.10% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Peel Hunt Premium Only 2018-05-30 09:05:00 30/05/2018 277.47p 272.00p 10.64% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Paul Summers Premium Only 2018-03-10 08:45:00 10/03/2018 323.50p 249.50p -11.44% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Gary Newman Premium Only 2018-02-01 10:05:00 01/02/2018 282.19p 226.50p -6.62% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Andrew Monk Premium Only 2018-01-10 11:00:00 10/01/2018 294.95p 273.00p 5.10% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Peel Hunt Premium Only 2017-11-24 09:40:00 24/11/2017 259.08p 308.75p 19.17% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Peel Hunt Premium Only 2017-10-12 08:30:00 12/10/2017 232.61p 293.75p 26.28% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Gary Newman Premium Only 2017-07-12 10:30:00 12/07/2017 204.26p 158.20p -4.19% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Gary Newman Premium Only 2017-05-11 08:30:00 11/05/2017 230.00p 135.00p -20.65% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Peel Hunt Premium Only 2017-05-04 08:20:00 04/05/2017 232.50p 139.60p -19.53% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Peel Hunt Premium Only 2017-04-24 08:55:00 24/04/2017 234.00p 262.50p 12.18% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy FinnCap Premium Only 2017-04-04 14:40:00 04/04/2017 218.50p 293.75p 34.44% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Roland Head Premium Only 2017-04-04 11:35:00 04/04/2017 232.50p 132.60p -22.54% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Roland Head Premium Only 2017-01-05 12:35:31 05/01/2017 231.50p 221.00p -4.54% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Investec Premium Only 2015-01-22 14:26:08 22/01/2015 150.75p 229.00p 51.91% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Canaccord Genuity Premium Only 2015-01-16 13:55:45 16/01/2015 145.25p 226.00p 55.59% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Canaccord Genuity Premium Only 2014-10-07 11:23:05 07/10/2014 172.00p 207.38p 20.57% View
Central Asia Metals (CAML) Buy Investec Premium Only 2014-05-12 14:00:15 12/05/2014 176.25p 218.50p 23.97% View