Avoid Britvic (BVIC) by Chris Bailey in ShareProphets CLOSED
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"...A bit like its drinks that is workable, but not amazing or unique or a ‘must have’. Of course I will be interested in the trading either side of Christmas in the quarter one trading statement on 27th January, but honestly if you want to buy this one then at least wait for a below 800p share price. That was a peak for the share a few years back and more recently it has been a peak. A bit like I am not super crazy for any of its drinks, I kind of feel the same for the shares currently. My view on Britvic shares today is avoid." - Chris Bailey, ShareProphetsNOTE: Stockomendation Ltd is not responsible for any content contained on the page behind the link. Some tip search links need accounts or subscriptions with third parties in order to view the tip.