Thorpe (F.W.) (TFW) Share Price

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There are 12 share tips for Thorpe (F.W.)

Below are all the share tips on Stockomendation for Thorpe (F.W.). Choose one to view its' details or to add it to your Watch List.

Company Type Tipster SectorScore Start date Start price Current price Performance Actions
Thorpe (F.W.) (TFW) Avoid Steve Moore Premium Only 2023-10-12 14:15:00 12/10/2023 354.00p 351.00p 0.85% View
Thorpe (F.W.) (TFW) Buy Liberum Capital Premium Only 2021-11-03 11:31:00 03/11/2021 434.00p 414.00p -4.61% View
Thorpe (F.W.) (TFW) Hold Joanne Hart Premium Only 2020-04-12 11:35:00 12/04/2020 287.00p 354.00p 28.91% View
Thorpe (F.W.) (TFW) Buy Liberum Capital Premium Only 2020-04-08 10:50:00 08/04/2020 290.00p 379.00p 32.65% View
Thorpe (F.W.) (TFW) Buy G A Chester Premium Only 2020-03-13 08:55:00 13/03/2020 274.00p 360.00p 37.72% View
Thorpe (F.W.) (TFW) Buy Liberum Capital Premium Only 2019-11-26 08:30:00 26/11/2019 294.00p 410.00p 45.36% View
Thorpe (F.W.) (TFW) Sell Steve Moore Premium Only 2019-11-21 15:10:00 21/11/2019 287.51p 429.00p -49.21% View
Thorpe (F.W.) (TFW) Buy Liberum Capital Premium Only 2019-11-21 10:05:00 21/11/2019 291.00p 400.00p 40.44% View
Thorpe (F.W.) (TFW) Buy Liberum Capital Premium Only 2019-09-26 10:20:00 26/09/2019 293.00p 400.00p 40.88% View
Thorpe (F.W.) (TFW) Buy Liberum Capital Premium Only 2019-05-02 09:30:00 02/05/2019 309.65p 400.00p 33.30% View
Thorpe (F.W.) (TFW) Avoid Steve Moore Premium Only 2018-11-23 08:15:00 23/11/2018 231.65p 456.00p -96.85% View
Thorpe (F.W.) (TFW) Buy Peter Stephens Premium Only 2016-05-23 09:25:46 23/05/2016 237.25p 319.00p 34.46% View