Quarto Group Inc. (QRT) Share Price

Media Sector

NOTE: This is based on 11 open tips for Quarto Group Inc. (QRT)

Quarto Group Inc. (QRT)
Latest Quote Price


Quarto Group Inc. (QRT)
Price Change (%)


Latest Bid : 120.00p Latest Ask : 150.00p
High Today : 142.00p Low Today : 112.00p
This Years High : 198.00p This Years Low : 107.50p
Volume : 29,850 MKT Cap : £56M
Trading Velocity : Premium Only Activity Score : Premium Only
Consensus Score : Premium Only Momentum Score : Premium Only

Quarto Group Inc. (QRT) Overview

Quarto was born out of the idea that if print runs were big enough, costs per unit became much lower. Therefore, if books could be co-published in different markets, the economics were more favorable.

Quarto Group Inc. (QRT) Latest Tips

Type Tipster SectorScore Start date Performance
Avoid Steve Moore Premium Only 2023-08-30 14:55:00 30/08/2023 -21.74%
Buy Kevin Godbold Premium Only 2022-08-23 15:45:00 23/08/2022 -14.11%
Avoid Steve Moore Premium Only 2020-01-16 13:35:00 16/01/2020 -58.94%
Sell Steve Moore Premium Only 2018-03-30 08:50:00 30/03/2018 43.20%
Sell Steve Moore Premium Only 2017-11-10 11:20:00 10/11/2017 53.61%

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Quarto Group Inc. (QRT) Active Short Positions

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Latest Bid : 120.00p Latest Ask : 150.00p
High Today : 142.00p Low Today : 112.00p
This Years High : 198.00p This Years Low : 107.50p
Volume : 29,850 MKT Cap : £56M

Quarto Group Inc. Overview

Quarto was born out of the idea that if print runs were big enough, costs per unit became much lower. Therefore, if books could be co-published in different markets, the economics were more favorable.

NOTE: This description is in part generated by ChatGPT and not an endorsement by or the opinion of Stockomendation Ltd.

Latest Quarto Group Inc. Tips

Type Tipster SectorScore Start date Performance
Avoid Steve Moore Premium Only 2023-08-30 14:55:00 30/08/2023 -21.74%
Buy Kevin Godbold Premium Only 2022-08-23 15:45:00 23/08/2022 -14.11%
Avoid Steve Moore Premium Only 2020-01-16 13:35:00 16/01/2020 -58.94%
Sell Steve Moore Premium Only 2018-03-30 08:50:00 30/03/2018 43.20%
Sell Steve Moore Premium Only 2017-11-10 11:20:00 10/11/2017 53.61%