Hansard Global (HSD) Share Price

Insurance Sector

NOTE: This is based on 4 open tips for Hansard Global (HSD)

Hansard Global (HSD)
Latest Quote Price


Hansard Global (HSD)
Price Change (%)


Latest Bid : 47.00p Latest Ask : 50.50p
High Today : 48.93p Low Today : 48.85p
This Years High : 51.25p This Years Low : 39.60p
Volume : 3,065 MKT Cap : £69.19M
Trading Velocity : Premium Only Activity Score : Premium Only
Consensus Score : Premium Only Momentum Score : Premium Only

Hansard Global (HSD) Overview

Hansard Global is a specialist long-term savings provider based in the Isle of Man and maintains operations in the Republic of Ireland. Co. offers a range of flexible, taxefficient investment products within life assurance policy wrappers, developed to appeal to affluent international investors. Co. offers a range of around 200 flexible, unit-linked, long-term savings and investment products in tax-efficient life-assurance policy wrappers. These are sold exclusively through over 540 independent intermediaries to more than 43,000 policyholders in over 170 countries. Co.'s products are issued by Hansard International and Hansard Europe.

Hansard Global (HSD) Latest Tips

Type Tipster SectorScore Start date Performance
Buy Royston Wild Premium Only 2021-03-18 07:30:00 18/03/2021 19.69%
Buy Panmure Gordon Premium Only 2020-01-27 10:00:00 27/01/2020 58.02%
Buy G A Chester Premium Only 2017-09-28 13:25:00 28/09/2017 -45.30%
Buy Peter Stephens Premium Only 2016-05-18 11:06:26 18/05/2016 -60.55%

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Hansard Global (HSD) Active Short Positions

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Latest Bid : 47.00p Latest Ask : 50.50p
High Today : 48.93p Low Today : 48.85p
This Years High : 51.25p This Years Low : 39.60p
Volume : 3,065 MKT Cap : £69.19M

Hansard Global Overview

Hansard Global is a specialist long-term savings provider based in the Isle of Man and maintains operations in the Republic of Ireland. Co. offers a range of flexible, taxefficient investment products within life assurance policy wrappers, developed to appeal to affluent international investors. Co. offers a range of around 200 flexible, unit-linked, long-term savings and investment products in tax-efficient life-assurance policy wrappers. These are sold exclusively through over 540 independent intermediaries to more than 43,000 policyholders in over 170 countries. Co.'s products are issued by Hansard International and Hansard Europe.

NOTE: This description is in part generated by ChatGPT and not an endorsement by or the opinion of Stockomendation Ltd.

Latest Hansard Global Tips

Type Tipster SectorScore Start date Performance
Buy Royston Wild Premium Only 2021-03-18 07:30:00 18/03/2021 19.69%
Buy Panmure Gordon Premium Only 2020-01-27 10:00:00 27/01/2020 58.02%
Buy G A Chester Premium Only 2017-09-28 13:25:00 28/09/2017 -45.30%
Buy Peter Stephens Premium Only 2016-05-18 11:06:26 18/05/2016 -60.55%