CT UK High Income Trust Units (Compr 3 Shs 0.1P&1 B Shr 0.1P) (CHIU) Share Price

Financial Services Sector

NOTE: This is based on 0 open tips for CT UK High Income Trust Units (Compr 3 Shs 0.1P&1 B Shr 0.1P) (CHIU)

CT UK High Income Trust Units (Compr 3 Shs 0.1P&1 B Shr 0.1P) (CHIU)
Latest Quote Price


CT UK High Income Trust Units (Compr 3 Shs 0.1P&1 B Shr 0.1P) (CHIU)
Price Change (%)


Latest Bid : 320.00p Latest Ask : 342.00p
High Today : 331.00p Low Today : 331.00p
This Years High : 342.00p This Years Low : 303.00p
Volume : 0 MKT Cap : £99.3M
Trading Velocity : Premium Only Activity Score : Premium Only
Consensus Score : Premium Only Momentum Score : Premium Only

CT UK High Income Trust Units (Compr 3 Shs 0.1P&1 B Shr 0.1P) (CHIU) Overview

Objective is to provide capital returns and growth on a portfolio managed in two parts. The first part comprises investments in UK equities and equity related securities of large and mid-sized companies (80%); the second part comprises investments in fixed interest and other higher yielding stocks and securities (20%)
The capital structure of the company is divided between A shares (ICTA), B shares (ICTB) and Units (ICTU). Only A shares are entitled to dividends paid by the Company. B shares, instead of receiving dividends, receive a capital return at the same time as, and in an amount equal to, each dividend paid on the A shares. For certain shareholders, there may be tax or other advantages in receiving a capital return rather than a dividend. Each Unit comprises three A shares and one B share.

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CT UK High Income Trust Units (Compr 3 Shs 0.1P&1 B Shr 0.1P) (CHIU) Active Short Positions

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Latest Bid : 320.00p Latest Ask : 342.00p
High Today : 331.00p Low Today : 331.00p
This Years High : 342.00p This Years Low : 303.00p
Volume : 0 MKT Cap : £99.3M

CT UK High Income Trust Units (Compr 3 Shs 0.1P&1 B Shr 0.1P) Overview

Objective is to provide capital returns and growth on a portfolio managed in two parts. The first part comprises investments in UK equities and equity related securities of large and mid-sized companies (80%); the second part comprises investments in fixed interest and other higher yielding stocks and securities (20%)
The capital structure of the company is divided between A shares (ICTA), B shares (ICTB) and Units (ICTU). Only A shares are entitled to dividends paid by the Company. B shares, instead of receiving dividends, receive a capital return at the same time as, and in an amount equal to, each dividend paid on the A shares. For certain shareholders, there may be tax or other advantages in receiving a capital return rather than a dividend. Each Unit comprises three A shares and one B share.

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