Ashoka India Equity Investment Trust (AIE) Share Price

Financial Services Sector

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There are 4 share tips for Ashoka India Equity Investment Trust

Below are all the share tips on Stockomendation for Ashoka India Equity Investment Trust. Choose one to view its' details or to add it to your Watch List.

Company Type Tipster SectorScore Start date Start price Current price Performance Actions
Ashoka India Equity Investment Trust (AIE) Buy Emma Powell Premium Only 2022-09-08 02:00:00 08/09/2022 215.00p 283.00p 31.63% View
Ashoka India Equity Investment Trust (AIE) Buy Nathan Marks Premium Only 2022-06-28 16:15:00 28/06/2022 180.50p 283.00p 56.79% View
Ashoka India Equity Investment Trust (AIE) Hold Joanne Hart Premium Only 2020-06-07 13:45:00 07/06/2020 99.00p 204.00p 106.06% View
Ashoka India Equity Investment Trust (AIE) Hold FinnCap Premium Only 2014-12-02 10:16:28 02/12/2014 76.25p 85.25p 11.80% View