Green Compliance PLC (GCO) Share Price

  1. Name: Robert Holt

    Age: 59

    Title: Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    Start Date: 2013-01-07

    Position: Chmn.

    Held since: 01/07/2013

  2. Name: Richard Hodgson

    Age: 45

    Title: Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Executive Director

    Start Date: 2014-01-03

    Position: CFO

    Held since: 02/01/2010

  3. Name: John Charlton

    Age: 0

    Title: Director - Shared Services, Executive Director

    Start Date: 2009-04-08

    Position: Exec. Dir.

    Held since: 04/08/2009

  4. Name: Reg Pomphrett

    Age: 0

    Title: Company Secretary, Non-Executive Independent Director

    Start Date: NA

    Position: Secy.

    Held since: NA