• Performance


  • Price at start



  • Current price



  • Tip made


  • Target Price


  • Tip Status


Icon Key:

Tip Notes

There is no extra information for this tip.

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NOTE: Stockomendation Ltd is not responsible for any content contained on the page behind the link. Some tip search links need accounts or subscriptions with third parties in order to view the tip.

The chart above shows the tip history by a particular tipster for a specific stock.

Here you can see each tip a tipster has made on a stock set against the stock's price movement since the original tip.*

Below the chart you will see a list showing the history of tips for the stock by this tipster. Click on any of these for more detail on each tip.

A tip will only close when a new tip with a change of direction supersedes the old tip, or the tip has reached a target price (if one has been set by the tipster).

For example: if a tipster places a 'buy' tip of the 1st Jan and a 'sell' tip on the 5th Jan, the 'buy' will close on the 5th and the 'sell' tip will be the open (active tip).

Some examples of the Tip Close logic

Sell -> Buy = This is a change of direction, so the 'sell' tip will be classed as Closed and the 'buy' tip classed as Open.

Avoid -> Hold = This is also a change of direction, so the 'avoid' tip will be classed as Closed.

Buy -> Hold = this will leave the tip classed as Open (active)

*Since Stockomendation began tracking this tipster's tips on this stock

Tipping History

Stockomendation's tracked history of Canaccord Genuity position on Mercia Asset Management (MERC) (from when we started tracking on 3 Dec 2018)

  Type Start Date Tip State Current price Performance  
Buy 2 Jul 2024 Open 32.20p
Current price (bid)
Buy 21 Mar 2024 Open 32.20p
Current price (bid)
-0.92% View
Buy 29 Feb 2024 Open 32.20p
Current price (bid)
3.87% View
Buy 20 Nov 2023 Open 32.20p
Current price (bid)
19.26% View
Buy 25 Jul 2023 Open 32.20p
Current price (bid)
22.43% View
Buy 18 Jan 2023 Open 32.20p
Current price (bid)
-7.47% View
Buy 7 Jan 2022 Open 32.20p
Current price (bid)
-17.43% View
Buy 7 Dec 2021 Open 32.20p
Current price (bid)
-12.29% View
Buy 25 Nov 2021 Open 32.20p
Current price (bid)
-11.59% View
Buy 6 Jul 2021 Open 32.20p
Current price (bid)
-11.50% View
Buy 23 Jun 2021 Closed
Price at close (bid)
-6.70% View
Buy 14 Sep 2020 Closed
Price at close (bid)
116.35% View
Buy 3 Dec 2018 Closed
Price at close (bid)
22.06% View
Icon Key : - Company tipped for the first time, - Reiterated tip, - Change in direction for this tip.