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View Tipster Profiles

See detailed tipster infomation including Hits / Misses, tip activity and overall performance.

In this section you can view details of tip sources and authors.

A 'source' may be a newspaper, magazine, website, eshot or newsletter that publishes share tips.

An ‘author’ is the financial journalist or tipster who makes the tip on behalf of that source.

Here you can find information about the source itself, the authors who tip for the source and a list of all the tips made for the source.

Click View Details to drill down to more detailed performance statistics.

Wherever possible we provide links back to the original tip or article. When you click on the link (in the links section of the tip) you will be taken to the website for the source. You may have to sign in or subscribe to see the original research or article, but this will provide you with valuable information to help you assess the tip.