My Tipster League

Create your Tipster League to identify the leading tipsters based on their performance data.

My Tipster League

Create your Tipster League to identify the leading tipsters based on their performance data.

Add tipsters that interest you to your Tipster League and see those who out-perform the markets and those that fall short. This enables you to make decisions about whose tips you may wish to follow.

Click View Details for more information on a tipster and to see all their tips.

Add a tipster to your league using the top search bar or use the green “Add Tipster” button. If you don’t know a tipster’s name, go to the Tipsters page and browse the list of all sources (publications, websites etc.) and authors (tipsters).

Remember that the league positions will change due to fluctuations in the stock market. Not all tipsters get it right 100% of the time, and some tips take time to realise their potential, so drill down into their performance statistics to really understand their performance.